
TUT: How to Decompile/Recompile APK Files

Tools needed:
  1. JDK
  3. framework-res.apk
  4. BRAIN
 1. JDK- Download Here
         -For 32bit users only.. For 64bit users, find some on google :)) or here.

2. APK Tools - Download Here

3.  framework-res.apk
         -go to root/system/framework/
         -copy framework-res.apk to sdcard

4. BRAIN - Download Here


1. Install JDK

2. Extract APK MULTI-TOOLS to your Desktop

3. Connect your phone into your PC.

4. Place framework-res.apk into the other folder.

5. Return to the root folder of APK MULTI-TOOLS
       -run setup.bat
       -run all 1. 2. 3

6. Choose Install framework-res.apk
7. Place your apk file into the place-apk-here-for-modding.

8. Run script.bat. Then choose 24 then enter, then choose 1 (depends on the number of the apk file you want to decompile), then choose 9 (after it, its the process of decompiling).



1. Once you are done, run script.bat again. Then choose option 11 to recompile.

2. A process willl show, Wait until a "Y/N" appear, just choose Y then another process will show, after you chose Y, (DONT PRESS ANY KEY FOR A WHILE) go to APK MULTI-TOOL FOLDER and a folder named KEEP will appear, go to that folder then DELETE the resources.arsc and the res folder.

3. Once you've deleted the folders, you can now Press Any Key to Continue.

4. Now then, get your apk file in the folder named place-apk-here-for-modding, rename your modified apk you're now ready to install it.

NOTE: if you have problems recompiling the apk file, it means that you have an error.