
[Tutorial] Changing Plat Logo and Text - Easter Egg (JB)

Files you'll need:


Let's start!

Changing the Plat Logo

This one is pretty much the same, go to framework-res.apk/res/drawable-nodpi/ to change the platlogo.png and platlogo_alt.png, and you can head to SystemUI.apk/res/drawable-nodpi/ to change the jandycane.png, redbean0.png, redbean1.png, redbean2.png and redbeandroid.png.

Changing the Text

1st step: Decompile framework.jar
2nd step: Head to com/android/internal/app/PlatLogoActivity.smali

Go to line 151, the line will be like this:
const-string v9, "Android " 

Here you can change the "Android " text for whatever you want. NOTE THAT SPACE (" ") BETWEEN THE WORD "ANDROID " AND THE RIGHT QOUTE, THAT'S WHAT DIVIDES THE SENTENCE "ANDROID" FROM "4.1.2".

Now go to line 157 and see that things will get a littles bit complicate:

Code:sget-object v9, Landroid/os/BuildVERSION;->RELEASE:Ljava/lang/String;

The command sget-object is "calling a variable somewhere in the file. But we can change it to const-string, just like in line 151.

Code:const-string v9, v1.0"

Now head to line 198 and you'll have have this:

Code:const-string v8, "JELLY BEAN"
Here is just like the line 151. Change the JELLY BEAN text for whatever you want.

Code:const-string v8, "TUTORIAL"
Since this line is located under the other ones, there's no need to add space (" ").

Mission accomplished!

After changing everything you want, just copy/paste your framework.jar in the right place, give permissions "-rw-r--r--" and reboot!

Source: XDA